

The bergamot tree is cultivated in Italy, mainly to collect this delicately scented essence, made from the zest of the bergamot. It is found in the famous Eau de Cologne. Its subtle, sunny and fruity fragrances are unanimously appreciated. Here, devoid of furocoumarins, it is non-photosensitising.

To order this essential oil, go to our online shop here

Ideal for use in home cosmetics, this bergamot essential oil does not contain bergapten, a photosensitising compound of the furocoumarin family. For use in aromatherapy, however, we recommend that you use organic, non-rectified bergamot oil.

With its purifying, balancing and astringent action, this essential oil purifies mixed, oily and acne-prone skin. It regulates the production of sebum in the epidermis and helps to refine the skin texture and dilated pores. In hair care, it promotes the balance of the scalp and will find its place in the care of oily hair or hair with oily roots and dry ends. Integrated into a body massage oil, its fine scent spreads its anti-stress, soothing and harmonising benefits.

Natural skin beauty

Bergamot essential oil without bergapten can be used :

  • in a face cream or beauty oil with a maximum dosage of 2%.
  • in a recipe for a purifying serum with aloe vera gel at a maximum dosage of 2%.
  • in a targeted anti-acne roll-on
  • in a face mask, combined with vegetable oil and clay and/or plant powders
  • in a purifying facial cleanser, for example in our Gentle Balance Shower Shampoo
  • in a recipe for natural homemade deodorant

Natural hair beauty

Organic bergamot essential oil without bergapten can be used:

  • in a purity and balance shampoo for oily hair
  • in a solid shampoo recipe
  • in a hair mask with clays, rhassoul and/or plant powders, always diluted in a vegetable oil

For your hair care, always dose this oil at a maximum of 2% of the total ingredients of your preparation.

The following summary is for information purposes only: it is a synthesis of the properties described in recognised aromatherapy books and/or in accordance with ancestral and popular traditions. The paragraph on properties* is taken from André Bitsas' Holistic Aromatherapy course. His courses are given in face-to-face and e-learning formats. It is in no way a medical information or a list of indications.

Face concerns
Flaws,  Loss of firmness,  Radiance & Brightening of the complexion
Prevent dandruff,  Purify greasy roots,  Stimulate growth,  Stop hair loss
Skin type
Oily skin,  blemished skin,  mixed skin