Moroccan borneol thyme

Moroccan borneol thyme

In the large Thymus family, this powerful essential oil acts as a general tonic. It accompanies episodes of great fatigue, convalescence, supports the immune function and helps to get through the winter period without any problems.

To order this essential oil, go to our online shop here

Originally from Morocco, Borneol thyme is a powerful essential oil, which should be used only by adults and adolescents for limited periods of time.

This essential oil is concentrated in borneol, and in smaller doses in carvacrol, alpha-terpineol and camphene which give it its characteristics:

  • Supports the body against external aggressions
  • Immune system regulator
  • Stimulating, physically, mentally and sexually
  • Helps in the natural elimination of parasites

It accompanies episodes of great fatigue, convalescence and the whole winter period to support the immune function and get through the winter period without any problems.

Its support for the natural elimination of parasites is particularly appreciated at the digestive level.

It is also traditionally used in massage to soothe the joints and restore flexibility.

It is used:

  • by skin massage, always diluted, at a rate of 2 to 3 drops per 10 drops of vegetable oil
  • in atmospheric diffusion, very diluted, up to 20% maximum, alongside milder essential oils

Rich in antibacterial active ingredients, thyme bornéol essential oil can be used in cosmetics to purify and cleanse skin with imperfections. Be careful, however, to use it very diluted, max 1% of essential oil in your care product.

It is used up to a maximum of 1% in:

  • in a purifying cream in case of pimples
  • in a cleansing gel (in our Universal Cleansing Care)
  • a targeted anti-imperfection roll-on

It is a general tonic and natural physical, mental and sexual stimulant.

The following summary is for information purposes only: it is a synthesis of the properties described in recognised aromatherapy books and/or in accordance with ancestral and popular traditions. The properties* presented are taken from reference books on aromatherapy. It is in no way a medical information or a list of indications.

General tonus & Energy,  Libido,  Small winter ailments,  sore throat