Aromatherapy Natural beauty Recipes Regenerating and smoothing face oil with rose and rosehip - our recipe Published : 2019-08-06 Summary Vegetable oils work wonders to prevent wrinkles, fine lines and skin slackening, and bring light and freshness to the complexion Vegetable oils work wonders to prevent wrinkles, fine lines and skin slackening, and bring light and freshness to the complexion Ingredients20 ml rosehip vegetable oil10 ml argan vegetable oil3 drops of rose Otto essential oilMateriala 30 ml glass bottlea pump for a glass bottle PreparationClean and disinfect equipment, utensils, work surfaces and hands.Measure the vegetable oils and pour directly into the bottle.Add the essential oils to the bottle, screw on the pump and shake to mix well. It's ready to use!