Relaxing lavender oil

A very relaxing massage oil to relax the body and mind during winter evenings.

Deeply relaxing, this oil envelops the skin with the harmonising scent of fine lavender, wonderful for calming anxiety and promoting a state of well-being. Apply in the evening after a shower to the whole body or just to certain areas (solar plexus, wrists, nape of the neck), to promote a peaceful sleep and restful nights.

Ingredients for a 100 ml bottle


  • a bowl
  • a 100 ml cream pump bottle
  • a mini whisk
  • a measuring cylinder
  • a funnel


  1. Clean and disinfect equipment, utensils, work surfaces and hands.
  2. Measure out the vegetable oils and mix them in the bowl with the mini whisk.
  3. Add the organic fine lavender essential oil and mix it all together.
  4. Pour the mixture into your pump bottle using your funnel.

Your oil will keep for at least 6 months, protected from light.

Precautions for use:

Not to be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as a precautionary measure. Not suitable for children under three years of age. For children between 3 and 6 years, use temporarily and in small doses.