This tree with its large yellow flowers is characteristic of the islands of the Indian Ocean: Madagascar, the Comoros archipelago and Reunion Island. Aromatherapy, which relies on all the molecules of the essential oil, uses the "complete" one, the product of the distillation carried out from beginning to end, extending over about ten hours. The fragrance of this complete essential oil is still pleasant, although heavier. Ylang-ylang essential oil is composed of esters, monoterpenols, sesquiterpenes, a few phenols...
External use
Due to its high ester content, this essential oil is a great regulator of the autonomic nervous system. In this context, it is mainly used to calm the heart's racing caused by stress. In the same context of neurovegetative dystonia, it is hypotensive. It is essential to dilute it in vegetable oil (20% maximum of essential oil) because it is dermocaustic. Helped by its remarkable smell, ylang-ylang essential oil is a skin and hair tonic.
The aroma of ylang-ylang carries an unambiguous message: floral, heady, evocative of the Orient and the tropics. It is logical to recommend this essential oil to counteract psychological and emotional difficulties when these originate from a lack of self-confidence... and from others.
This summary is given for information purposes: it is a synthesis of the properties described in recognised aromatherapy books and/or in accordance with ancestral and popular traditions. The properties* presented are taken from the book ‘Aromathérapie Corps et Ame’ by André Bitsas, published by Amyris. It is in no way a medical information or a list of indications.