I have normal, comfortable skin, so my routine is quite minimalist.
In the morning, I spray my face with Roman chamomile hydrosol and gently blot it with a cotton wool pad.
Then I apply a few drops of organic regenerating fluid, or a small dose of Douceur et Equilibre neutral cream when I feel that my skin is a little tight (rather in winter). I finish with a mist of rosemary verbenone hydrosol on my hair, which is a tonic and purifier of the scalp.
After a day's work, I like to spray peppermint hydrosol on my face for its refreshing, reviving effect, which helps to clear the mind and chase away fatigue. In the evening, I shower with the mildest soap.
From time to time, I take care of my beard with a mixture of argan and mustard vegetable oils and cedar essential oil.
Before going to sleep, I wipe my face with a cotton pad soaked in orange blossom hydrosol.
My favourite essential oil: lime, just breathing it in puts me in a good mood!