Avocado Solid Shampoo for Dry Hair

Avocado Solid Shampoo for Dry Hair

Easy to make solid shampoo to nourish your dry hair

Ingredients for a solid shampoo


  • a saucepan for the water bath
  • a stainless steel bowl
  • a spatula
  • a mini whisk
  • a precision scale
  • a silicone mould (kitchen mould)


  1. Be sure to wear a nose mask and eye protection as SCI is highly volatile and can be irritating.
  2. Melt the SCI surfactant with the water in a water bath without heating too much, mix gently.
  3. Remove from the heat and add the avocado and hemp oils, mixing well to incorporate the SCI into the rest of your mixture to form a paste.
  4. Finish by adding the 10 drops of rose geranium essential oil.
  5. Transfer and pack the mixture into a silicone mould.
  6. Place the mould in the fridge for 30 minutes and leave to dry for 48 hours at room temperature before use.