Manuka Pimples Roll-on

A synergy of essential oils with antibacterial, healing and anti-inflammatory properties to be applied locally to blemishes to dry out pimples and purify the skin.

Ingredients for a 10 ml Roll-on

  • 7 ml hazelnut vegetable oil
  • 3 ml organic black cumin vegetable oil
  • 5 drops of organic manuka essential oil
  • 10 drops of organic fine lavender essential oil
  • 1 drop of organic lemon essential oil


  1. In a stainless steel bowl that has been disinfected beforehand, pour in the vegetable oils and then the essential oils.
  2. Mix with a mini whisk.
  3. Pour the mixture into a 10 ml roll-on bottle.

This roll-on also promotes healing without leaving marks.

It will keep for at least 6 months, protected from light and heat.

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