How to avoid imperfections in summer?

How to avoid imperfections in summer?

How to take care of your skin with imperfections in summer and avoid the rebound effect at the beginning of the school year? The right gestures for a pure and protected skin, with a purifying routine that avoids acne scars and repairs damaged skin.

Step 1: Perfect cleaning in the evening

This is really the crucial step that changes the skin's appearance! In the evening, don't skip the cleansing step with our cleansing oil to remove the sun cream and impurities.

We recommend two applications of cleansing oil in order to remove the sun filters.

Step 2: Purifying night care

At night, the fluid "peau nette" is applied to treat the zones to be purified and to help the skin to find its balance. The fluid regulates the production of sebum, removes blackheads and impurities and purifies pimples.

Step 3 : Purifying hydrolat

In the morning and evening, apply a hydrosol of rosemary, fine lavender or laurel to purify the skin and prepare it for care. This habit will make a difference and significantly improve the appearance of the skin.

Step 4: Hydration and sun protection

In the morning, moisturise the skin with aloe vera gel and a few drops of hazelnut oil. Then apply an organic sun cream with SPF 50, several times a day if you are going to be exposed to the sun.

Step 5: Drying a pimple without damaging the skin

To treat a pimple locally, there is nothing better than a drop of tea tree essential oil, applied undiluted onto the pimple, to be repeated until the pimple disappears. Do not pop your pimples to avoid scars!

Step 6: A mask once a week

Once a week, apply our purifying mask to deeply cleanse the skin and unclog pores. Green clay, burdock, rosemary and rhassoul will refine the skin's texture, matify and prevent imperfections.

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