Acne is not just for teenagers. More and more adults are affected by long-lasting forms of acne, often linked to hormonal imbalance, high levels of stress, digestive problems or a combination of all these factors.
To treat adult acne, forget about harsh products, you need to be gentle! To regain its balance, your skin first needs to be soothed. We therefore opt for a routine that combines anti-inflammatory care and purifying ingredients. The objective: to purify the epidermis, prevent and reduce imperfections, promote healing and provide a regenerating action to preserve the youth of the skin.
The right natural routine to get rid of adult acne:

The morning
- Simply cleanse your face with a hydrosol: rose, Roman chamomile, fine lavender and in the event of a major crisis: rosemary verbenone.
- Alternate between jojoba oil and rosehip oil. Other friendly oils: hazelnut, raspberry, hemp. Here again, non-comedogenic oils with a balancing and regenerating action are preferred.
- Apply a drop of spike lavender essential oil to your pimples.
Other friendly essential oils: rose geranium, Seville lavender, rosemary verbenone. These oils will have a purifying, healing and regenerating action.
You can also add 10 drops of one of the above essential oils to 30 ml of your usual vegetable oil.
When the skin is in crisis
In the event of a major crisis, draw on the "Peau nette" skin fluid or add a mixture of essential oils of tea tree, Roman chamomile, rose geranium and lemon without furocoumarins to your usual vegetable oil.
The right dosage: 10 to 15 drops of essential oil in total for 30 ml of vegetable oil.
In the evening
Remove your make-up with hazelnut or jojoba oil and then cleanse your skin with our universal cleanser. Then apply a hydrosol and your usual oil as a night care.
Once a week
Make a gentle mask with green clay, white clay or rhassoul.
The basic recipe:
- 3 tablespoons of clay, 3 tablespoons of hydrosol or water
- You can add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil (black cumin, hazelnut, jojoba for example) and 1 drop of the essential oil of your choice.
- Leave on for 5 minutes and then rinse off.

The team's recommendation
If you want to preserve the youthfulness of your skin and treat pimples at the same time: use the "Peau Nette" skin fluid on the areas affected by acne and the regenerating fluid on the areas that are more sensitive to wrinkles and fine lines and less affected by pimples. It's really a winning duo, tested and validated by many of us.
The little extra tips
- In summer, always protect your skin with a hat or an organic sun cream ;)
- Remember to drink pure water, at least 1 to 1.5L per day to keep your skin hydrated. This simple rule is really one of the keys to beautiful skin.
- Don't hesitate to consult your favourite naturopath for a consultation on skin beauty, as this can help with hormonal imbalances or digestive concerns that affect the health of the epidermis.
- Sleep well, avoid screens in the evening! Give yourself time to breathe during the day to reduce the stress hormone that acts on the inflammatory state of the skin.
- Exercise to eliminate toxins and oxygenate the whole body.
- Disinfect your mobile phone regularly as it often comes into contact with the skin.
Gentle, gentle, gentle and patient!